After Covid-19 what to do next???

After Covid-19 what to do next???

Apr 25 2020 17:10 PM

After Covid-19 what to do next??? The Stock Market has fallen due to any COVID-19 or fundamentals reason but what s

Hi everyone….

I hope you all are safe and at home. Is been more than 30days since we are lockdown.

The Stock Market has fallen due to any COVID-19 or fundamentals reason but what should we do now as an investor that is what important question is?

 There are 3 things we can do it such as of now

  1. Do nothing in this panic when the stock market has fallen 35% and some stock is fallen by more 50%
  2. Invest in good stocks
  3. Wait for the market to come down more.
  4. Find stock to add in our portfolio

No one can catch BOTTOM & No one can catch TOP

 Market or stocks which were looking good for investment at Nifty level 12000 or Sensex at 40000 then what change when the market fell down more than 35% is not looking good for investment.

I know it is difficult to understand what to do in such a situation. But as per common understanding do you think the stock market will be closed or all company will shut down all their operations after lockdown? Most of the companies will face loss for the next 2-3 quarters but if business and management are strong then I am sure they will find their way out from this situation. 

If the answer is Yes then you are at the wrong place and if the answer is NO then to think about allocating some of your money slowly through 3-5 tranches in the ways of portfolio making.

According to my view and understanding, I have listed some of my reason how to allocate money in equity such as:-

  1. Companies which have good business products will continue to grow
  2. Avoid Debt burden companies
  3. Don’t think about the company making a profit immediately
  4. Buy in 3-5 tranches slowly with a gap of 15-20%
  5. Make a list of stock to buy and their buying range
  6. Avoid news.

No one knows where will be bottom but at least you can plan to buy something at a decent buying rate. This what important in this situation.

According to me, I am listing some of the stocks that can be bought in 3-5 tranches in a gap of 10-20% which can be kept for the long term.

  1. SBI (100-160)
  2. Bajaj Finance (1200-1800)
  3. UPL (200-300)
  4. Mcdowell (350-500)
  5. Godfry Philips (600-900)

Thanks for reading and stay safe.

Date 25-04-2020